Friday, July 25, 2008

Moving on up

Well here is my second post of the night. Nothing major just a brief outline of the major happenings in the chronicles of sushi. I have my first business idea, which is surprising because I've never considered myself a business man, more of an opportunist and an investor to other people's ideas. I'm drafting a business plan, I've earmarked an investor or two and co-opted a few talented colleagues to help me nurture this baby. Here's to hoping all goes well.

My MSc is on track. I'm starting a website dedicated to that very soon. It would give me some much need practice in web programming and also give me some exposure to future employers. It will probably grow into my main personal website and contain more serious articles. Watch this space..

The Dark Knight is out today! I'm going to watch that and hopefully kick start my weekend. I'll be back with a more meaningful post, maybe my first movie review. See y'all in Gotham City!